Reddot Networks

6955 NW 77th Ave, Suite 403, Miami, Florida 33166, US


Network Management Policy

Reddot Networks is committed to providing a high-quality and reliable internet experience for all its customers. This document outlines the network management policies and practices adopted by Reddot Networks to ensure optimal network performance, maintain service integrity, and comply with relevant regulatory requirements.

Reddot Networks employs various network management techniques to monitor, maintain, and enhance network performance. These practices include traffic management, congestion management, and quality of service (QoS) measures to ensure a seamless user experience.

In delivering Internet access services, we may utilize wholesale or other “upstream” providers. This Network Management Policy is specific to the Reddot Networks’s network, network management practices, and services may also be subject to the network performance and network management policies and practices of our upstream providers.

Congestion Management
Reddot Networks proactively monitors its network on a continual basis to determine if an area of congestion could occur, and if areas of possible congestion are identified, may make network improvements or prior to any congestion occurring. These network improvements may include: the addition of network hardware or network segregation to accommodate additional traffic. If a period of congestion occurs, customers may experience things like: longer times to download or upload files, surfing the Web may seem somewhat slower, or playing games online may seem somewhat sluggish. Reddot Networks does not manage congestion based on the online activities, protocols or applications an individual customer uses; it only focuses on the areas with the heaviest usage and works to alleviate any congestion prior to any customer impact. The purpose is to eliminate periods of congestion as quickly as possible.

Congestion Detection

Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of network traffic to detect congestion points and potential bottlenecks.

Performance Metrics: Use of performance metrics such as latency, packet loss, and throughput to identify congestion issues.

Congestion Mitigation

Load Balancing: Implementing load balancing techniques to distribute traffic evenly across network resources, preventing overloading of any single resource.

Network Upgrades: Regularly upgrading network infrastructure to increase capacity and reduce congestion.

Service Performance

Service Technologies

Reddot Networks provides broadband Internet access utilizing fiber, coaxial, copper and wireless service technologies. Speed and other performance characteristics may vary based on service technology, and not all service technologies are available in all locations.

Advertised Speeds

Reddot Networks provides residential and business customers with a variety of high speed Internet service packages, including the service packages and performance tiers identified in “Commercial Terms” below. Reddot advertises its speeds as “up to” a specific level based on the tier of service to which a customer subscribes, and engineers its network to ensure that its customers can enjoy the speeds to which they subscribe. However, Reddot does not guarantee that a customer will actually achieve those speeds at all times. In the absence of purchasing an expensive, dedicated Internet connection, no ISP can guarantee a particular speed at all times to a customer.

Actual Speeds and Latency

The “actual” speed that a customer will experience while using the Internet depends upon a variety of conditions, many of which are beyond the control of any ISP. These conditions include:

  • Performance of a customer’s computer or device, including its age, processing capability, operating system, the number of applications running simultaneously, and the presence of any adware and viruses. You should make sure you are running the most up-to-date operating system your computer or other Internet connected device can handle (with all available patches installed) to maximize your connection speeds.
  • Type of connection between a customer’s computer and modem. If there is a wireless router between your modem and your Internet connected device, the connection speed you experience can often be slower than direct connections into a router or modem and depends on the model and configuration of the router that you use. Certain routers can pass data to your Internet connected device more quickly than others. Wireless connections also may be subject to greater fluctuations, interference, and congestion. Wireless modem connections used with higher speed tiers may be particularly impacted, as many wireless connections do not perform at the speeds delivered by these tiers.
  • The distance packets travel (round trip time of packets) between a customer’s computer and its final destination on the Internet, including the number and quality of the networks of various operators in the transmission path. The Internet is a “network of networks.” A customer’s connection may traverse the networks of multiple providers before reaching its destination, and the limitations of those networks will most likely affect the overall speed of that Internet connection.
  • Congestion or high usage levels at the website or destination. If a large number of visitors are accessing a site or particular destination at the same time, your connection will be affected if the site or destination does not have sufficient capacity to serve all of the visitors efficiently.
  • Gating of speeds or access by the website or destination. To control traffic or performance, many websites limit the speeds at which a visitor can download from their site. Those limitations will carry through to a customer’s connection.
  • The performance of modems or other equipment installed at your premises. Modem performance may degrade over time, and certain modems are not capable of handling higher speeds. Our highest speed services may be particularly impacted by computer and communications limitations. We encourage you to promptly contact customer service if you have any concerns about your modem performance or speed capabilities.

Customer Speed Test

Reddot Networks offers its customers to the ability to test the speeds that they are receiving on the Reddot’s network from the customer’s computer to a test site on the Reddot’s network. Simply go to the speed test site for your service location to test your connection at: Please note that this and other commercially available speed tests are dependent on several of the factors outlined above, especially the customer’s own Wi-Fi network. Therefore, these tests do not necessarily reflect the performance of the Reddot’s network alone.

Network Maintenance

Scheduled Maintenance

Performing routine maintenance during scheduled windows to minimize disruption to customers. Providing advance notice to customers about scheduled maintenance activities and potential service interruptions.

Emergency Maintenance

Conducting emergency maintenance promptly to address critical issues and restore normal operations. Keeping customers informed about the nature of the issue and expected resolution time during emergency maintenance.

Reddot Networks employs certain practices to help prevent unwanted communications such DDoS Mitigation to protect the security of our customers and network. These practices may include: limiting the number of login, SMTP, DNS, and DHCP transactions per minute (at levels far above “normal” rates) that customers can send to servers in order to protect them against Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and blocking ports that commonly used to send spam, launch malicious attacks, or steal a customer’s information, (for example, SQL exploits and Microsoft communication protocol ports). We do not make detailed disclosures concerning these practices in order to better maintain the effectiveness of these defensive measures, which ensure that these critical services are available for all of our customers. In addition, Reddot Networks conducts several security initiatives and offers security tools for our customers, such as DoS monitoring and virus scanning software.
DDoS Protection

DDoS Mitigation Strategies

  • Traffic Analysis: Employing advanced traffic analysis tools to identify and differentiate between legitimate traffic and DDoS attack traffic.
  • Rate Limiting: Implementing rate-limiting techniques to control the amount of traffic entering the network, preventing it from being overwhelmed by malicious traffic spikes.
  • Traffic Scrubbing: Utilizing traffic scrubbing centers to clean incoming traffic by removing malicious data packets before they reach the intended destination.

Proactive Measures

  • DDoS Detection Systems: Deploying DDoS detection systems to continuously monitor traffic patterns and detect anomalies indicative of a DDoS attack.
  • Collaboration with ISPs: Collaborating with other ISPs and backbone providers to mitigate large-scale DDoS attacks that require a coordinated response beyond our network perimeter.

Incident Response

  • DDoS Response Team: Having a dedicated DDoS response team trained to handle various types of DDoS attacks. They follow predefined procedures to mitigate attacks efficiently and restore normal operations.
  • Customer Support: Providing timely updates and support to affected customers during a DDoS attack. Working closely with customers to implement additional protective measures if needed.

Continuous Monitoring and Threat Detection

  • 24/7 Monitoring: Maintaining round-the-clock surveillance of network activities to identify and respond to security threats promptly.
  • Anomaly Detection: Implementing advanced analytics and machine learning to detect unusual patterns innetwork traffic.
Service Performance

Performance Metrics

  • Key Metrics: Monitoring key performance metrics such as uptime, latency, packet loss, and throughput to ensure high service quality.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Offering SLAs that define the performance standards customers can expect, including compensation for failure to meet these standards.

Performance Reporting

  • Regular Reports: Providing regular performance reports to customers, detailing network performance and any incidents that may have affected service quality.
  • Transparency: Ensuring transparency in reporting and addressing customer concerns promptly.
Education and Awareness
At Reddot Networks, we believe that informed customers are empowered customers. We are committed to providing comprehensive educational resources and conducting regular awareness campaigns to help our customers understand the importance of online security and how they can protect themselves while using the internet.

Educational Resources

  • Online Guides and Tutorials: We offer a variety of online guides, tutorials, and articles covering topics such as password security, safe browsing habits, phishing awareness, and device security. These resources are easily accessible through our website and customer portal.
  • Video Tutorials: To cater to different learning preferences, we provide video tutorials that demonstrate practical tips and best practices for enhancing online security. These videos cover topics ranging from setting up two-factor authentication to recognizing phishing scams.
  • Interactive Webinars: Periodic interactive webinars are conducted by our security experts to delve deeper into specific security topics and answer customer questions in real-time. These webinars provide valuable insights and practical advice for staying safe online.

Awareness Campaigns

  • Email Campaigns: We periodically send out email newsletters and updates to our customers, highlighting current security threats, emerging trends, and best practices for mitigating risks. These emails also include links to relevant educational resources and upcoming events.
  • Social Media Engagement: Our social media channels serve as platforms for engaging with customers and raising awareness about online security. We share informative posts, infographics, and quick tips to help customers stay vigilant against cyber threats.
  • Cybersecurity Challenges: To make learning about cybersecurity more engaging, we organize occasional cybersecurity challenges and quizzes for our customers. These challenges test their knowledge and reward participants with prizes or discounts on security products and services.
  • Community Workshops: We partner with local organizations and community groups to host cybersecurity workshops and seminars. These events are open to the public and provide an opportunity for attendees to learn from industry experts and share their experiences with others.

Personalized Recommendations

  • Customized Security Assessments: Customers can request personalized security assessments to evaluate their current security posture and receive tailored recommendations for improving their online security. These assessments may cover areas such as password strength, software updates, and privacy settings.
  • One-on-One Consultations: Our security specialists are available for one-on-one consultations with customers who have specific security concerns or questions. During these consultations, customers can receive personalized advice and guidance on securing their devices and accounts.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

  • Multilingual Support: To ensure that all customers can access our educational resources, we provide content in multiple languages, catering to diverse linguistic backgrounds.
  • Accessibility Features: Our online educational materials are designed to be accessible to customers with disabilities, with features such as screen reader compatibility and alternative text for images.

Feedback Mechanisms

  • Customer Surveys: We regularly solicit feedback from customers regarding the effectiveness of our educational initiatives and their preferences for future content. Customer input helps us refine our educational materials and tailor them to better meet their needs.
  • Feedback Forms: Customers can provide feedback and suggestions directly through our website or customer portal, enabling them to contribute to the ongoing improvement of our educational resources.
Regulatory Compliance

Reddot Networks is committed to complying with all regulations set forth by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding network management practices. Our policies and procedures align with the FCC’s Open Internet Order and subsequent regulations to ensure transparency, fairness, and nondiscrimination in the provision of broadband internet access services.


We provide clear and easily accessible disclosures regarding our network management practices, including information on network performance, congestion management, and any limitations that may affect customers’ internet experience.

No Blocking

Reddot Networks does not block lawful content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices, nor do we impair or degrade lawful internet traffic on the basis of content, application, service, user, or device.

No Throttling

We do not engage in throttling, impairing, or degrading internet traffic based on content, application, service, user, or device, except as necessary for reasonable network management purposes.

No Paid Prioritization

Reddot Networks does not prioritize internet traffic or offer paid prioritization services that create fast lanes or prioritize certain content, applications, services, or devices over others in exchange for consideration, financial or otherwise.

Compliance Reporting

We regularly assess our network management practices to ensure compliance with FCC regulations. Additionally, we provide compliance reports to the FCC as required, demonstrating our adherence to the principles of net neutrality and fair broadband access.

Customer Complaint Handling

Customers who believe that Reddot Networks has violated FCC regulations or engaged in unfair or discriminatory network management practices may file complaints with the FCC. We are committed to addressing and resolving any customer complaints in a timely and transparent manner.

Commitment to Net Neutrality

Reddot Networks upholds the principles of net neutrality and fair broadband access. We believe in providing equal access to the internet for all users, without discrimination based on content, application, service, or device.

Reddot Networks is dedicated to maintaining a secure, high-performing, and reliable network environment for all its customers. By implementing robust network management practices, continuous monitoring, and proactive incident management, we strive to provide a seamless and safe internet experience. Our comprehensive approach ensures that customer data is protected, network performance is optimized, and regulatory requirements are met. If you have any questions or need further information, please contact our support team.

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