Reddot Networks

6955 NW 77th Ave, Suite 403, Miami, Florida 33166, US


Privacy policy

We recognize the importance you place on the confidentiality and security of your personal information and acknowledge our obligation to be transparent about our privacy practices. Accordingly, we have created this Privacy Policy to fulfill that commitment. In this policy, we explain the different types of personal information we collect and the methods we use to collect, use, manage, protect and disclose that information. In addition, this Privacy Policy will inform you of your rights and choices regarding your personal data.
Parts of our Privacy Policy are required by law and may appear lengthy and complex; however, we have worked hard to simplify it. For a summary and more details on how to manage your personal data, your preferences and online protection, please visit the RedDot Networks Center.
If you still have questions about this policy, you can contact us for more information.

When the Privacy Policy applies.

This Privacy Policy applies to the information we collect when you use or interact with the business units, products, services, networks, and platforms, including our website and other services and devices, referred to in this policy. This Privacy Policy also applies when you interact with us in other ways. In this Privacy Policy, we refer to all these services as our “Services”. It also applies to the information we collect about you from third parties.

The personal information we collect.

We gather personal information to deliver and personalize our Services, which includes both non-identifying details (like device numbers and IP addresses) and personally identifiable information (PII) such as your name and contact details. This data is collected when you or others use our Services, including through third-party accounts, to ensure effective communication and service provision tailored to individual requirements and preferences.

How and when we use information.

We utilize the information collected, including data from third-party sources and across our different services, to enhance and personalize user experiences with our Services, develop new offerings, and provide targeted marketing and advertising. This information helps us ensure security, prevent illegal activities, and improve customer interactions. It also allows us to streamline our services, respond to user inquiries, and align our offerings with user preferences and requirements.

When and with whom we share information.

You have the power over your personal data; we never sell identifiable information, including details about your internet, video, or call usage, without your consent. We only share your identifiable data for offers you participate in and with your direction. Additionally, we disclose personal information to third parties like credit agencies to provide our services, if you authorize it, to comply with legal requests, or to ensure the safety and rights of our personnel and the public.
Non-identifiable personal data may be shared with third parties for their marketing needs, but you have the option to opt out, especially in cases where our digital services use third-party cookies or trackers. For more details, please refer to our Cookie Notice.

When and with whom we share information.

Reddot Networks implements industry-standard security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure, including technical, administrative, and physical safeguards tailored to the sensitivity of the data. While taking this responsibility seriously, they acknowledge that no security system is infallible. They also use software and hardware to prevent spam, viruses, and malicious content in communications via Comcast services, including automatic scanning of emails and messages, but assert that these tools are not used for marketing or advertising purposes.

How long we keep your information.

Reddot Networks implements industry-standard security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure, including technical, administraWe retain personal information for varying durations based on the type of data and business or legal necessities. Customer information is kept for the duration of their service subscription and may be retained after service cancellation due to business or legal needs, like fraud prevention or legal obligations. Some data is automatically deleted after legally mandated timeframes unless further retention is required for legal reasons like ongoing lawsuits. Information is destroyed or anonymized once no longer necessary in identifiable form. tive, and physical safeguards tailored to the sensitivity of the data. While taking this responsibility seriously, they acknowledge that no security system is infallible. They also use software and hardware to prevent spam, viruses, and malicious content in communications via Comcast services, including automatic scanning of emails and messages, but assert that these tools are not used for marketing or advertising purposes.

How to access and correct the information in our records.

Our commitment to transparency allows customers to access and manage their personal information via their online accounts. Depending on state laws, additional rights may be available as detailed in our Privacy Policy. Individuals can also request access, correct, or delete their personal information through our Privacy Center on our website.

Changes to this Privacy Policy.

We reserve the right to update its Privacy Policy to reflect changes in its business practices or customers’ needs. If substantial amendments are made that expand Comcast’s rights to use previously collected personal information, customers will be informed through appropriate channels, enabling them to make informed decisions about their continued use of ours Services.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us at:

RedDot Networks, INC

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